Home Gadgets Samsung Gear VR for Galaxy S6/S6 Edge Now Available

Samsung Gear VR for Galaxy S6/S6 Edge Now Available


Samsung Gear VR
winner oussama/Flickr

 Samsung announced this week that they have created the new Samsung Gear VR Innovator Edition headset for the Samsung Galaxy S6 and Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. Now if you own either of these devices, you can still experience Virtual Reality with out the Samsung Galaxy Note 4.

This new Samsung Gear VR headset was mentioned along with the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge, during Mobile World Congress this year (MWC 2015). This version is much smaller to fit the 5.1 inch frame and both devices work well. It even comes equipped with its own microUSB port so that you can plug it in and save some of your smartphone’s battery.

Samsung proudly attests to their new VR device, stating that it is much more comfortable than the Galaxy Note 4 version. Virtual Reality provides a great visual experience and we recommend that you pair it with a great pair of headphones.

The Samsung Gear VR Innovator Edition headsets will be available next week, on Friday (May 15th). You can order them online, straight from Samsung or you can go and purchase it from your local Best Buy store. Either way the price for these Samsung Gear VR headsets is $199.