Home "TMM" Startups iZettle-12 Hour Store Gives Six Businesses A Chance Of A Lifetime

iZettle-12 Hour Store Gives Six Businesses A Chance Of A Lifetime


iZettle is a company best known for its ability to make credit card readers for smartphones and tablets, turning your  mobile devices into portable teller machines. Small and large companies who run pop-ups use iZettle’s flexible services anywhere at anytime. In a recent successful campaign in held October,  iZettle helped six small businesses in Britain achieve their sales dreams by assisting them to open their own flagship store for 12 hours each on Oxford Street, Britain’s top shopping district. The founder of Iam Vibes, Tom Hardless, who was one of the six participants in iZettle’s campaign said, said: “Taking part in iZettle’s 12 Hour Store was a dream come true and I will never forget the 12 hours of magic and fun I had. The 12 Hour Store didn’t just give me a physical space to trade from, it gave me a huge morale boost.” 

The week was kicked off by Boskke and their upside down plant pots. The first day, the space was light and airy and filled with green plants and flowers. Every night, the store was transformed to represent a different small business. Everything from the storefront to the interior changed to fit their brand. The only thing that stayed the same was the iZettle setup.iZettle

iZettle’s support for these small businesses go a long way to remind us that big retail brand had to have started small too. The six  businesses that participated in the experiment made record-breaking sales in the 12 hour store. We all know that Mobile payment is up to a good start, with big companies like Apple, Google and most recent “Snapcash” by Snapchat coming up with different variations of mobile payment for shoppers. The recent campaign just proves how much iZettle can be a better cash alternative form of payment for both businesses and shoppers alike. You can check out the iZettle mobile app that takes card payments and helps you grow your business by using just the free app, a secure card reader and great analytics,to help you make and keep track of all your sales. Enjoy the the video below.


