Audi’s New Commercial Sees Auto Mechanics As Zombies

They'll stop at nothing to get their hands on your Audi


If you are a German car owner, you know how difficult it could be to get affordable vehicle maintenance that fixes your auto problem without the hassle and high costs. You usually go to a local mechanic whose certified and has a decent shop that appears to show they are good businessman. And even though you can save a little money, Audi is making a clear statement in their newest commercial by letting you know that those mechanics are zombies and they really crave for your German engineered goodness and your wallet.

Audi uses this commercial to warn all new Audi owners to have their vehicles serviced at Audi authorized dealers and not taking them to private, independent mechanics.

This commercial was created for Audi by Thjnk Berlin GmbH and directed by Sebastian Strasser for RadicalMedia.
