Home Games Apps Pinterest for Android and iOS Updated With Notifications, Mentions and More

Pinterest for Android and iOS Updated With Notifications, Mentions and More


Pinterest updated its mobile app today with a couple of new features, bringing it to version 1.5 for Android, and version 2.4 on the iOS platform. The new version now lets you send a pin to your friend, receive push notifications when someone comments on, likes, or repins your items. It also allows you to mention friends in your comments and comes with a better search option. See the full update changelog for Android and iOS devices after the break, and don’t forget to grab the update from the source link below

What’s New in Android version 1.5:

-Send a pin to someone
-Get push notifications to know when someone comments, likes or repins your stuff
-Search…and you shall receive suggestions
-Mention your friends in comments

What’s New in iOS Version 2.4

– Send a pin to someone (iPhone & iPod only)
– Get push notifications to know when someone comments, likes or repins your stuff
– Search…and you shall receive suggestions
– Invite friends to pin with you on group boards
– Easily pin from the web
– Mention your friends in comments

Source: Google Play, iTunes
