Home Gadgets Anne Pro 2 Review – Best 60% Mechanical Keyboard

Anne Pro 2 Review – Best 60% Mechanical Keyboard


The Anne Pro 2 from Obinslab is arguably the best 60% mechanical gaming keyboard on the market right now. A few things set it apart from more budget offerings and make it truly stand out.

In the YouTube video above I speak about all the features of this keyboard, it’s layout and the general typing experience.

The keyboard is also fully bluetooth compatible which means you can decide to use it wirelessly. Bluetooth capabilities on a gaming keyboard is honestly quite rare especially on higher end boards like this one with double shot PBT key caps and very high quality stabilizers.

Obinslab has a software called the obins kit made specifically for this keyboard. In that software you can update the firmware of your keyboard (happens quite often), you can push macros and even edit rgb lighting effects for individual keys on the keyboard.

Ultimately the Anne Pro 2 is a breathe of fresh air for gamers or general users alike who simply want a 60% keyboard that is fairly low profile and has bluetooth compatibility.

Watch the video for all my thoughts about this device and how it performs.
