Home Gadgets New Samsung Gear VR Headset May Arrive On MWC 2017

New Samsung Gear VR Headset May Arrive On MWC 2017

Samsung Gear VR

Even though Samsung is focused on the upcoming Galaxy S8 & Note 8, they mentioned that both devices would be able to work with this years Samsung Gear VR headsets that have already been out for a while (with adjustable ports). But this week during the Virtual Reality Summit in California, Samsung VP Sung-Hoon Hong proudly mentioned that they are working on a new headset for the Samsung Gear VR which may be accompanied with an Augmented Reality device as well.

VP Sung-Hoon Hong made a note that the new devices will be presented very soon and he didn’t leave any details of the updated Samsung Gear VR or what it would cost. One can only expect that Samsung could unveil the new headsets during February when Mobile World Congress 2017 event will take place in Barcelona.

The next version of the Gear VR “will be presented in a short time” according to Hong, so we may see that headset début at Mobile World Congress in February. Samsung typically makes some big announcements at that show. The company just refreshed the Gear VR in August and Hong didn’t offer any details as to what we can expect from the upcoming model.

“If there are any good ideas to make AR glasses, we want to talk to you.”Dr. Sung-Hoon Hong, Samsung VP

Even though there are a variety of VR headsets that work with nearly any device that supports it and the fact that Microsoft already has their HoloLens headset which offers a pricier augmented reality experience, Samsung isn’t taking the modest approach with technology. It’s expected that they will flood the market with the newer Samsung Gear VR headsets and the newer Galaxy smartphones. Who knows, both may even ship at the same time next year.

Keeping our fingers crossed here at TMM.
