Home Games Apps Fitbit Device Sales Must Have Exploded During Christmas

Fitbit Device Sales Must Have Exploded During Christmas

The Fitbit app for iOS is now #1 in the iTunes App Charts

Image Credit: Open Grid Scheduler / Grid Engine - Flickr

Fitbit devices must have sold most of their stock this Christmas week due to the amount of iOS app downloads, that suggest that thousands of new users set up their new devices. Compared to Black Friday, Fitbit has made a complete turn, the sales on Black Friday weekend didn’t attract as much attention. One can suspect that customers that wanted an affordable Apple Watch may have decided to opt out for the more affordable and health-focused Fitbit devices.

According to Qz, reports determine that Fitbit was already one of the top twenty apps for iOS, and it led the other health and fitness apps by being the most-download out of all of them. But since Christmas was approaching, Fitbit jumped up to the number 1 app in the entire iOS (iTunes) App Store and they’ve gained 22% increase in the market share. Sounds like many are trying to get back to their average healthy size, we all know that Thanksgiving and Christmas are usually the times when we get lazy and eat a lot of food. Selecting a fitness tracker can help you get closer to your goals, and perhaps give you a headstart to your New Year’s resolutions.

Not to say that there was no competition between Fitbit and other fitness trackers, but we can see that Fitbit has not only a popular name for its self, but it’s devices are much more affordable when compared to the Apple Watch and other new smartwatches.

iTunes Top Apps List in the App Store

App Annie Top iOS App Charts

App Annie Top iOS App Matrix

App Annie Fitbit Rank History for iOS (might need to sign up to view recent dates)

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