Home "TMM" Startups "TMM" Social Media FaceBook Is Pushing AMBER Alerts On Your News Feed

FaceBook Is Pushing AMBER Alerts On Your News Feed

Your phone probably already receives AMBER alerts when a kid goes missing in your area


Facebook has announced that it would start showing AMBER Alerts in your news feed. They will show up on both the Web and on mobile versions. This is happening because Facebook’s Safety and Trust Manager, Emily Vacher is working together with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and they will share AMBER Alerts on your Facebook news feed to help find any reported, missing children.

These alerts won’t have notifications, showing the alert with the missing child’s photograph and details. You would be able to link to the official National Center’s missing poster which would have up to date information on the case and you can also share those links with your friends.

Users should note the alerts would probably on show in range which means some areas would see the alert and some areas might not get to see any at all.

The inspiration behind this according to Facebook is because in the past, the social network was used to broadcast messages involving missing children which has also lead to the success of returning the children home safely.

