Home Games Apps Wii Street U by Google Available For DownLoad In Nintendo eShop

Wii Street U by Google Available For DownLoad In Nintendo eShop


Earlier today, Nintendo Direct had an online news-broadcast. New release dates, updates and New games were mentioned to be coming soon, or already in the Nintendo eShop. Bill Trinen mentioned that the long awaited Google Maps with Street View (Wii Street U) is now available as free download in the Nintendo eShop.

With the Wii U Street you can have multiple display, on your TV Screen, and the GamePad.
The Wii U’s GamePad’s motion control and touch screen makes it easy to move around and view a scene from any direction, recreating the location. There are 70 intriguing locations to choose from and view. If you have the Wii U console, download it and tell us what you think about.

Source: Nintendo

