Home Games Special Operation 2 Is Coming To Ghost Recon Wildlands

Special Operation 2 Is Coming To Ghost Recon Wildlands

A new strong theme, PVE experiences, Ghost War updates, as well as other community-requested features, Special Operation 2 Is Coming...on July 24th.


Video game publisher Ubisoft isn’t quite giving up on Ghost Recon Wildlands yet. With the impact that Special Operation and special characters had on all Wildlands fans, Ubisoft is returning with another Special Operation update pack and its coming soon.

Ghost Recon Wildlands
Image Credit: SteamXO

The new Special Operation 2 pack comes with a new Ghost Mode that lets you create a new player to take down the Santa Blanca drug cartel. This mode is not only free for all players, but there is even a week-early access for Year 2 Pass holders that is arriving on July 24th, 2018. Ghost Mode adds plenty of realism for really complex, yet competitive matches. A perfect example is ammo restrictions, gone are the days where reloading a half-full clip of ammo to make sure you have a full one to prevent from reloading mid-combat. Since in Ghost Mode you’ll only have access to one primary weapon (you can swap at ammo boxes or while you loot) and if you reload too early while there is plenty ammo in the clip then you will lose all of that unspent ammo when you reload. And it doesn’t end there, accidentally shooting friendlies actually kills them. Even with your own player’s life, you need to be cautious, if you are killed and no one comes to revive you, you have to start over with your loot collections.

Ghost Mode includes new two player-versus-player maps along with a True Solo mode that completely eliminates all AI teammates. There is also a stream-friendly Observer Mode that is perfect for watching custom matches and showcase your own Ghost War games (eGames anyone). There’s even a new victory screen to let you celebrate your triumphs at the end of all Ghost War matches

Ghost Recon Wildlands
Image Credit: SteamXO

The user requested Prestige system gets fully revamped. Ubisoft heard your requests and have properly responded.

You shared your feedback, and we heard you! Special Operation 2 will bring an overhaul of our Prestige economy. You will now be able to earn Prestige Credits not only in Ghost War but also in the Campaign too (including Ghost Mode). A new tab in the Store will be added to allow you to spend your Prestige Credits not only on Ghost War Classes but on Prestige Packs too, which include customization items. Ubisoft Entertainment

Ghost Mode is a free mode and will be available for all difficulty settings, including Tier 1 Mode in Ghost Recon Wildlands. Not only will it be available for all players on July 31st, but for those Year 2 Pass holders get a special week-early access starting on July 24th, 2018.

There are plenty of other details on their website, as well as other hidden gems that won’t be disclosed until the actual release update (such as player-versus-environment missions, new themes, and new classes). Here’s to Ghost Recon Wildlands becoming another popular gaming series like Rainbow Six.
