Home Games Apps Inbox By Gmail Offers You To Create Reminders

Inbox By Gmail Offers You To Create Reminders

Your Inbox Is Now Checking Up On You

Image Credit: koka_sexton/Flickr

Email is one of those tech advancements that has yet to be outdated or replaced permanently. Not only are email’s still most people’s number one choice for communication but email in itself has advanced much further than we thought it would 22 years ago when the term “email” was used to define these electronically sent messages.

Google’s own email client – Gmail has an alternative email app, dubbed “Inbox” and it has shown that it can increase your email productivity over time. It comes with several minor features that when implemented, they decrease the amount of time that you usually take to check, read or maintain you emails. Its latest technique, called Reminders, alerts you so that you know that you can save reminders within the application (for desktop, iOS & Android). Instead of sending that business list or shopping list as an email to yourself, Inbox will ask if you want to create a reminder instead. Reminders in Inbox are a cool way to keep tasks and other emails at the top of your inbox while also allowing you to pick the best time, locations and dates to remind you of it. All you have to do is input you own email in the “To:” field and the banner will pop up (see photos below) so that if you wish, you can tap on the banner and any of the text that you’ve entered in the subject and body of the email will be transferred as a reminder.

Who knows what’s next on Google’s list for Inbox by Gmail, but with every update, we can only hope for more cool features in the future.
