Home Games Apps Nike+ FuelBand Launches For Android Finally!

Nike+ FuelBand Launches For Android Finally!


We’ve all seen it somewhere, or heard the rumors that Nike’s killing the Nike+ FuelBand to focus on just fitness software. Nike proved the rumors wrong as they just released a Nike+ FuelBand sync app for Android users. We all know that Android owns a huge chunk of the mobile phone market, so this strategy proves that the sportswear company still has good plans for the  Nike+ FuelBand brand. Coming late to the Android platform means they have to battle with already existing alternatives live FitBit, Jawbone UP and others. The Android app works like the iOS companion app, it communicates over Bluetooth, and compatible with the newer Fuelband SE and a select list of Android phones. You should be running Android 4.3 and have Bluetooth LE support, or own any of these phones (Samsung Galaxy S3, Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy S5, HTC One, Nexus 5 and the Moto X) if you plan on using the Nike+ FuelBand on your Android OS.


NikeFuel Daily Goal – Create a goal, edit and view progress toward that goal.

Sessions – Track deliberate periods of movement, such as workouts and games, by starting and ending a Session on the Nike+ FuelBand SE. Review session data afterward for a focused analysis of movement. Users can calibrate and share sessions via Nikeplus.com.

Move Reminders and Win The Hour – Users can set up Move Reminders on their Nike+ FuelBand SE so they will remember to get moving for five minutes out of every hour. The Nike+ FuelBand App allows users to track their success with Win The Hour stats.

NikeFuel Leaderboards – Compare data with friends and the community by using Nike+ Friends and the NikeFuel community.

Activity and Session History – Analyze past activity data to see progress and patterns.

NikeFuel Daily Goal Recognition – When a goal is achieved, an onscreen celebration will appear.

Automatic Syncing – Bluetooth LE seamlessly syncs Nike+ FuelBand data to a compatible Android handset.

Profile and Settings – View and edit Nike+ account information and Nike+ FuelBand SE device settings on the app.



Source: Nike, Google Play

