Home "TMM" Startups "TMM" Social Media Google+ Now Allows Full-Size Photo Uploads of Files Upto 2048px From Desktop...

Google+ Now Allows Full-Size Photo Uploads of Files Upto 2048px From Desktop Browsers


Google+ just made it possible to upload full-size photos from your desktop, providing a safe place to store all those photos. The Uploads can be used in updating your profile picture, album sharing, or backing up pictures. You can enable the full-size desktop uploads, by checking “Upload my photos at full size” in your Google settings. Doing this counts any file larger than 2048px towards your free 5GB Google storage and files at 2048px or smaller remains unlimited and free. Now you can upload your pics in full resolution and not worry about losing it’s original touch, let the uploading begin!

Source: Jon Emerson (Google+)
