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New OUYA every year


There will be a new OUYA will not be like your traditional game console, there will be a new OUYA model every year. The CEO of OUYA Julie Uhrman confirmed this in her DICE 2013 speech. “There will be an OUYA 2 and an OUYA3. We’ll take advantage of faster, better processors,
take advantage of prices falling. So if we can get more than 8GB of Flash in our box, we will. And in so doing, make sure that all games are backwards compatible.” She also made it clear that “The games will be tied to you, the gamer,” meaning you buy the game, then it’s tied to your account.

The console would be retailed in, launched for kick starters in March. You can pre-order the OUYA console from it’s website for $99.99 and extra controller for $49.99. Happy to know that OUYA is not battery powered, and has cooling systems too. I guess long hours of game play would not be a problem. Just can’t wait can’t wait to lay my hands on them. Please “Shut Up And Tech My Money”

Read more from Source: Engadget
