Samsung Galaxy S2 users on T-Mobile USA should be happy to learn that, they don't have to wait for Jelly Bean update anymore. The update started rolling out today, as I have resurected my T989 SII to juice it...
PlayStation DualShcock 3 controller support will now be available for Sony Xperia smartphones. The new software for Sony Xperia smartphones will allow you to use Bluetooth connectivity with the PS3 dualshock pad for playing HID optimized games on Android...
Google Drive app for iOS was updated today by Google to version 1.3.0, and can be updated from the iTunes store. The new version brings practical features that lest users edit their documents & spreadsheets in landscape mode for...
You can now get your hands on the pre-released version of Facebook Home that leaked ahead of the the April 12th release in the Play Store. A post on MoDaCo stated that "The build itself (pulled from a pre-release...
There might be an update coming to the Google Play Store soon, as you can recall the last time it was actually update, we knew it as the "Android Market." It seems that the new Google Play Store is only available to Google employees, as...
If you ask the special effects team for Jurassic Park, how the achieved such a difficult task without the CG animation we have now, words alone wouldn't do justice to the effort the put to bring the creatures to...
Today Facebook posted its first TV ad on their page, "Welcome aboard. Here's an early boarding pass for the new Facebook Home TV ad, "Airplane" Facebook posted alongside the Video. See the full clip after the break.
Source: Facebook
Alienware owned by Dell is now providing the X51 gaming PC in an Ubuntu version. You can get the X51 Ubuntu version for $599, a whooping $100 off the Windows 7 version. So if you are an Ubuntu enthusiast...
In a recent press release, AMD announced that, the company and Adobe, are Collaborating on Upcoming Version of Adobe Premiere Pro Software. AMD confirmed that the collaboration with Adobe Systems Incorporated to deliver OpenCL hardware-accelerated video editing was the first time ever...
T- Mobile just posted the details of the iOS carrier update on its support forum, just as we speculated would happen sooner or later. The update enables visual voice mail, 4G network indicator and couple of other features. You can obtain the...
I just bought a new computer desk yesterday, and putting that thing together was one hell of job. The screws and instructions get on my nerve, as they forget to state you're going to need second person to help....
Nokia just released the Nokia Music+ for Windows 8 and Windows RT (desktop and tablet version) today. The Nokia Music for Windows 8 app is available now from the Windows 8 Store in the UK, US, Ireland and Australia, and will...
Todays review is for the Beyerdynamic Custom One Pro Headphone. This review is brought to you by MKBHD, if you are in the market in search of new headphones, the you can give these a try. Well we all know its...
Facebook just posted its first ad for Home, the ad explains the features of the Facebook Home as an app that puts your friends first. Don't get things all confused, Facebook "Home" is not an operating system, "it's also...