Home Games Apps How to Enable Your New Gmail Inbox In a Web Browser For...

How to Enable Your New Gmail Inbox In a Web Browser For Clutter Free Experience


You must have heard about the major update for your Gmail inbox that gives you a clutter free experience, if you missed the memo then see the video below for more information. The reason why you haven’t seen these changes implemented in your inbox yet is because you have to enable it yourself. To enable the new tabbed organization update, go to the settings icon and choose “Configure inbox.” Then you would be asked to select the tabs you want, select updates and forums, to have your inbox organized.  As for the mobile app version, Google stated in a blog post that, “The new inbox is rolling out gradually. The desktop, Android and iOS versions will become available within the next few weeks. If you’d like to try out the new inbox on Desktop sooner, keep an eye on the gear menu and select Configure inbox when it appears in the Settings options.” Drop us a tip if you lay your hands on the app version, hit the source link for more information.




Source: Gmail Blog
