Home News BlackBerry 10.2 Update To Bring New Features, Emojis, Level 1 Notifications And...

BlackBerry 10.2 Update To Bring New Features, Emojis, Level 1 Notifications And More


BlackBerry’s new phones are still making waves in the BlackBerry community, and a lot users still waiting to lay their hands on the 10.1 update. BlackBerry fans should be happy to know that BlackBerry’s Product Manager, Michael Clewley, shared some details of what’s to come in the BlackBerry 10.2 update.  The future update is expected to come some time this year, while the 10.2 SDK is said to be coming in June. The 10.2 update is expect to bring support for a host of features that will be listed below, and be sure to add Clewley’s (PIN C00014277) to be in his Channel for further reveals.



BlackBerry 10.2 Changes

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  • Setting a time to remember item – I can confirm this will be supported 10.2
  • Standard Unicode Emojis – I can confirm this will be supported 10.2. More details as available
  • Multiple Alarms – I can confirm this will be supported 10.2. More details as it becomes available
  • Level 1 Notifications – I can confirm we’ll bring this feature to BlackBerry 10 for 10.2. As details come available, I’ll keep you updated



Source: Crackberry
