Home Gadgets MTA Expands Wireless Coverage To 30 NYC Underground Subway Stations

MTA Expands Wireless Coverage To 30 NYC Underground Subway Stations


Finally, the news New Yorkers have been waiting for, MTA will be switching on wireless connectivity in 30 underground subway stations around Manhattan. Now those long rides to your stop won’t be boring anymore. As promised by MTA, wireless connectivity will be available in all 277 subway station within the next four years. Cellular carriers are also not left out in the expansion, of bringing phone and data connectivity to subways in New York. The wireless network will be free through “Boingo Wireless’ advertising and sponsorship platform.” See the source link for the full list of MTA’s subway stations that are connected with Wi-Fi, give it a try if you live around one and let us know your experience.


Via: TechCrunch

Source: TransitWireless

AT&T and T-Mobile
