Home News ZTE Allegedly Violates U.S. Export Controls

ZTE Allegedly Violates U.S. Export Controls

ZTE's new US export restrictions may hurt it's business in America

Image Credit: Pierre Metivier/Flickr

Chinese tech companies always find difficulties when trying to do business with the US. And from the recently discovered news from Reuters, ZTE Corp. was caught allowing other companies like Iran to collect exported equipment from them. The US Commerce Department now wants American companies that wish to ship anything to ZTE Corp. will now have to apply for export licenses, starting on March 8th. Rumor is that once they apply they’ll be denied, which is seen as a punishment for allegedly breaking export rules to countries that don’t get along with the USA. Some of the companies that may have to cut them off are mobile brands like Intel & Microsoft unless ZTE can find a way to keep their products on the shelves.
