Home Gadgets Computers Materia 101 Is Arduino’s Open-Source 3D Printer

Materia 101 Is Arduino’s Open-Source 3D Printer


What most developers love about Arduino is its open-source approach to computing, the company just extended its open philosophy to their Arduino Materia 101 3D printer. In partnership with Sharebot, the company officially announced their Materia 101 3D printer yesterday on the company’s official blog. The Arduino Materia 101 is a 5.5 inches by 4 inches 3D printer that’s built for rapid prototyping for beginners, makers and education. Its open source nature allows you tweak and upgrade it as long as you possess the tinkering skills to do so. The Italian designed 3D printer runs on Arduino Mega mini-PC, and it comes in a build-it-yourself kit (priced under $800) and fully assembled (under $1,000). There’s no word on its availability or shipping date. Arduino fans can catch a glimpse of the Materia 101 3D printer on 3-5 October 2014 at the  Maker Faire Rome. When the 3D printer finally becomes available, it will be available only on the Arduino Store, see the full specs below.

Technical characteristics:
Printing technology: Fused Filament Fabrication
Printing area: 140 x 100 x 100 mm +/- 5mm
X and Y theorical resolution position: 0,06 mm
Z resolution: 0.0025 mm
Extrusion diameter: 0.35 mm
Filament diameter: 1.75 mm
Optimal temperatures with PLA: 200-230°
Tested and supported filaments: PLA
Unsupported but tested filaments: Cristal Flex, PLA Thermosense, Thermoplastic Polyuretane
(TPU), PET, PLA Sand, PLA Flex
External dimensions: 310 x 330 x 350 mm
Weight: 10 kg
Usage: 65 watt
Electronical board: Official Arduino Mega 2560 with Open Source Marlin Firmware
LCD display 20 x 4 with encoder menu
Preloaded with PLA printing presets
Extruder block with filament pressure regulation

