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After the Ubuntu Touch Developer Preview was unveiled, The full source code and images for supported devices was published today. If you have the Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10, use this link for detailed instructions...
A Stable Channel Update for all Chrome OS devices has been updated. The new update build allows you to extended your desktop to multiple monitors now This build shows you more at all times by auto- arranging your windows....
Chris Metzen from Blizzard Entertainment announced at the PlayStation 4 launch event, that Diablo III would be heading to PlayStation 3 and 4. Also stated in a press release, "Diablo III for the PS3™/PS4™ will be based on the...
If you watched the PS4 launch event live, Killzone Shadow Fall was played live and shared directly to face to Facebook. The video is a Live Demo running on PlayStation 4 Enjoy     Source: Killzone Facebook Timeline
So tonight is the D day, when we find out what Sony has been keeping from us. Today will tell if we will lay all the rumors to rest or we get a new console today. Taking over the...
All HTC Fans can now watch the company's launch events for the HTC One. The company posted a full length version and a shorter one, with all the information you need to feed and quench your thirst, as you wait for the phone...
Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer, introduced the new homepage in the company's blog post. After some introduction about Yahoo, she proceeded to state that "Yahoo! has always been about bringing you the very best of the web. And, today, we’re introducing...
If you sat through the 2 hr 46 mins in the theater to see "The Hobbit" and wondered where some of the great scenery was shot. Look no further, because Peter Jackson's Weta Digital studio best known for its quality...
For those who thought Google glass was impractical for daily use, you should please eat back your words Today! In a video released today by Google, we get to see how the glass feels and it's functionality in daily life. Saying...
LG is not done with putting us in suspense regarding its 2013 Mobile World Congress Line of products. The company released a teaser to quench our thirst a little until February 25th. Even a recent post on Facebook by...
NVIDIA introduced today, the first integrated Tegra LTE Processor, "Tegra 4i". The Tegra 4i is smaller than the Tegra 4 but packs a good punch and significant performance. Combining the Tegra 4 with the i500 modem in a chip,...
My App of the day, goes to Unity Launcher from Omkar Deshmukh. This App deserves a "Shut Up And Tech My Money" shout out for the day. So if you are an Ubuntu enthusiast, you can go to the...
With February 20th, 2013 some days away from PlayStation's Meeting, couple of "rumored" PlayStation 4 controllers pics, and some here say on the internet. We all can not help but speculate and wait to see what will go down...
I just can't get enough of the Dash Clock Wideget, even Plume (twitter client) would tell that. Plume just released it's "Plume for DashClock App". Plume for DashClock is a simple plugin for DashClock and separate download in other to add it to DashClock's...

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