Simon Cowell wants find his next Star on YouTube, he is partnering with YouTube to launch the first-ever online global talent competition. He is planning to achieve this this goal through,
Through 26 different talent competitions over the year, The...
Is Samsung Selling Specs or Software? This New video from MKBHD explains the Samsung Galaxy S 4 from an average, and an advanced users point of view. Watch the video and leave your comment below, follow us on twitter...
Just last week Pinterest launched analytic tool, the company announced that they will be rolling out their new design today. The new designed is focused on letting user discover things easier. Users should be getting invites soon. The new...
Samsung posted posted the Glaxy S 4 Infographic to let you know how impressive the new Galaxy S 4 is. With this I think you can make a decision if you want to buy Samsung's next big thing. It...
In case you missed the news, Saints Row IV's release date was announced last week. The game will be coming to current-gen consoles and PCs with the exception of Nintendo Wii U, "Sorry Wii fans". Saints Row IV is...
HBO released another trailer for Game of Thrones with Less than 2 weeks to returning to TV in March 31st. The new trailer reveals new scenes, lots of unrest between the clans, everyone's fighting each other "The War Has...
Flickr updated it's iOS app to Version 2.11.820, they added the ability to add Hashtags in your photo's title or description. Taping on the hashtag displays all photos with that hashtag. I checked the Flickr website and the #...
I Personally think there is nothing you just can't build with a LEGO, this LEGO motorized machine folds and launches paper airplanes! It was created by a YouTube user "Hknssn" with the LEGO Mindstorms NXT, the automated paper plane...
This months issue of Total Film Magazine is devoted to Man of Steel, new pictures, and interview with Zack Snyder (Director) and Henry Cavill (Superman). In the interview with, Zack Snyder (Director) explained to Total Film Magazine that
“We’ve tried...
In a recent post on Dropbox's blog, the company confirms the acquisition of Mailbox. Mailbox is an email client for iPhone, with "over 1.3 million Mailbox reservations" in just one month of being in the App Store. Dropbox concluded...
Everything you need to know about the Samsung Galaxy S IV, all summed up in this YouTube video by Samsung. Even though the S IV relatively looks like the S III, we can't deny the fact that it comes...
Barely couple of hours before the unveiling of the Samsung Galaxy S IV in New York, the S IV was torn down by IT168 to show us whats under the hood. The same outlet in China provided everyone with...
With all the leaks we have seen in a couple of days, it's almost time to lay them to rest or confirm if they are actually the Samsung Galaxy IV. Join and watch the live stream of the event,...
Twitter just launched its app for Windows 8 and Windows RT. I must confess I, I too waited and longed for it too. In addition to the traditional Twitter application features, the Windows 8 app comes with additional functionalities....