Home Games STEAM Adds New User Security At A Price

STEAM Adds New User Security At A Price


A few days ago Valve (the company behind STEAM) introduced Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator to prevent future phishing attempts to its users. Prior to this users accounts were being targeted by other malicious users for spam. But now Steam is charging its users accounts a minimum of $5 to also access certain features like friend invites, opening group chat, the Steam discussion boards and voting on Greenlight games. Now I know that you are wondering if this will affect you if you just use Steam for buying and playing games? And we  can assure you that it won’t affect you or your financial information.

Valve says that this the easiest way to find nefarious users that don’t really spend money with their user account.

“Typically, the accounts being used for [phishing] have no investment in their longevity”

So, if you’re a typical Steam user you can now expect less spam in your inbox.
