Home Games Apps Adobe Buys Photo Editing Platform Aviary

Adobe Buys Photo Editing Platform Aviary


Image editing has evolved in the past few years, with tons of free or paid apps in the app stores for phones and tablets. You can perfectly edit your pictures on your mobile devices on these apps as you do on your PC. With this said, Adobe just acquired Aviary and its cloud image editing platform. Aviary is the creator of a photo editing SDK used by a number of third-party apps, which gained it 100 million downloads during its history. Details of the amount spent is unspecified, but one thing’s for sure, both companies will work together to bring Adobe’s editing tools and Creative Cloud services to more mobile apps. Aviary noted that, they will continue to support its SDK as part of Adobe’s Creative SDK.

While ensuring no interruption to Aviary’s developer community, or their apps’ users, we plan to add additional components and services for developers to incorporate – such as the ability to save creations to Creative Cloud in Adobe file formats, access Photoshop technology, and connect creativity across devices using the Creative SDK.According to Aviary


SOURCE: Adobe, Aviary
