Home Games Apps Google’s New Gmail 5.0 app To Support Yahoo And Outlook Accounts (Video)

Google’s New Gmail 5.0 app To Support Yahoo And Outlook Accounts (Video)


With Android Lollipop in the horizon, Google’s been updating stock Android apps with its new material design. A recent leaked video by Android Police shows that Gmail’s the latest app to get some visual makeup from Google. The Gmail 5.0 dose not only come with a Material Design update, the new Gmail 5.0 will be able to support email accounts from other providers like Yahoo or Outlook. A tweet from Matt Jones also confirms that the new Gmail 5.0 will support IMAP, POP & Exchange accounts, as seen in the Android mail client.



You can head on to Droid-Life website for images of the new Google Play Music app taken from a Nexus 4 ROM. The Google Gmail 5.0 app is not available now, with the Nexus 9 and 6 around the corner, I bet we’ll soon get a functional APK floating around. See the video below to get an actual feel of Google’s new Gmail app.

