Home Games Apps Microsoft launches Office Mobile for iPhone Today Hands-on (Video)

Microsoft launches Office Mobile for iPhone Today Hands-on (Video)


Past rumors that Microsoft was making Office Mobile for iPhone have just been put to rest today, as Microsoft just announced the release of Office for iOS today. The app is now available in the iTunes Store for iPhone users with Office 365 subscription, the app allows you to edit documents offline, create new Excel and Word files, view and edit docs, Powerpoint files, spreadsheets stored on Microsoft’s cloud services. The Office Mobile for iPhone key features will be listed after the break, also check out the hands on video for more information.


Access documents from virtually anywhere:
* Cloud – With your phone, you can access Office documents that are stored on SkyDrive, SkyDrive Pro, or SharePoint.**
* Recent Documents – Office Mobile is cloud-connected. The documents you’ve recently viewed on your computer are readily available on your phone in the recent documents panel.
* Email Attachments – You can view and edit Office documents attached to email messages.



Source: iTunes Store, MS Office News blog, MS Office Technical blog
